We provided wedding photography and videography service to a friendly Ghanaian couple in Bromley, South East London last Autumn. The groom grew up in Germany and the bride grew up in England. They met during Covid lock down through friends’ connections.
This is another wedding story we witnessed with our cameras. A couple of months before their wedding day, we have provided them with an engagement photography & videography service in Central London with some romantic touches in our shoots.
They were actually planning to take their engagement and wedding ceremonies in Wolverhampton before. But after discussion with the families, they decided to have both shoots in London.
Unlike other modern weddings, the couple opted for a traditional wedding, which means the groom would not see the bride before her father gave her away.

This couple comes from quite religious families. The bride’s father is a priest. Just before she left her home, her mother gave her a simple prayer and blessed her by putting the Tierra on her head. She has also given her some advice on how she should treat her family and husband.

After that, we arrived at the bride’s parent’s church for a 2 hours long ceremony. Lovely bride was brought to the first time seeing her future husband by her priest father’s hands. It was so romantic for the couple and for their guests.
There were a few priests giving sermons. From that, we can understand the church is very close to the couple. The congregation treats her as a daughter. The ceremony, banquet and party were held at Anerley Methodist Church, Anerley, Bromley, South East London.

They had a quite intimate banquet with all their close family members, relatives and guests who are also members of their own church. Their priests who attended their wedding also joined their party dance. What a great mixture of Ghanaian traditional style and western style wedding!
We really enjoyed their wedding from the morning until night, and editing their photos and videos. Wish them all the best and have a happy married life ever-after.

Contact us today if we can help capturing your Christian wedding.