Not another African Wedding
We have provided wedding photography and videography service for this sweet British Nigerian bride and groom on their very happy day with their friendly bridal party and groomsmen, family and friends. The couple decided there is no better time to plan a wedding, although the pandemic is still affecting the world. Perhaps love pulls us closer in difficult time. The wedding was held in Archway, North London.

Maid of Honour helped the bride to put on the veil.
How did God bring these two people together
We first met them around 3 years ago and did their fun, casual engagement photo and video shoot in Springfield Park in North-East London. Feel free to take a look at their interview on how their story started first time with us and how they had met each other, how they fell in love and why their love grows stronger everyday. Religion plays a big part in their lives. God have pulled them closer with shared purpose and passion. Watch their engagement video.

This is a park near the banquet venue.
So glad we had a chance to take some drone shots here.
An Enjoyable Evening
Same as our all previous Nigerian traditional weddings which we have done so many times, this wedding was so fun with energetic bridesmaids, groomsmen and all friendly guests.

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen practising the grand entrance dance.
After their emotional church ceremony, we went to their banquet venue. The beautiful bride has planned a surprise dance for her husband with her sexy and pretty bridesmaids, after the “wedding essentials” – cake cutting, first dance, speeches and all traditional entrance dance. The couple has also planned 2 games during the banquet to get all their guests engaged.

The couple’s church ceremony was held in Worship Tabernacle, The Citadel, Archway and their banquet was held in Regency Banqueting Suite, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, North London.

We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them up to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future. If we can help taking your wedding photos and film, contact us and we can discuss the details.