Marriage Workshop – Love Journey

1. Where did the inspiration come from for setting up Love Journey?

We really wanted to provide a none religious practical and friendly workshop experience for couples, designed to enhance and strengthen relationships amidst the pressures of our modern society. A couples relationship should be the first step towards providing a truly happy environment for successful children to thrive and learn in.

Love Journey was founded by internationally recognised relationship experts Dr Hans Everts and Lynn Yang. Hans and Lynn have a wealth of experience in the research, development and delivery of relationship workshops for couples.

2. What are the facilitator background?

Only accredited, qualified relationship experts with a wealth of experience in Hong Kong in helping couples build strong and resilient partnerships.

Rachel Ng M.Soc.Sc. in Marriage and Family Therapy (Distinction) HKU
B.A. in Education (First Class Honor) HKCityU
Member of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association

Doris Li  Master of Social Science (Marriage and Family Therapy), HKU
Member of Academy of Family Therapy (AFT)
Member of The Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association (HKPCA)

3. How can your service help?

Your Love Journey will give you new insights into relationship skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you resolve conflict in a healthy, productive way.

At your workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Build and share a deeper romantic connection with each other
  • Strengthen and maintain a lasting and resilient relationship
  • Work as a team in coping with challenges
  • Foster respect, affection and closeness
  • Keep conflict discussions calm
  • Grow teamwork, effective communication and action


4. Can you share with us one successful story?

Due to some elements of privacy we can’t really share a ‘success story’ however here is a quote from a couple of our participants:
“We were lucky enough to take part in your marriage preparation programme and can whole-heartily recommend it to everyone. It offered us many useful tools, tips and ideas while also provided us a good understanding with what to expect once you get married.
We found the group environment to be incredibly supportive and it was really valuable hearing the thoughts and ideas of the other couples who took part with us.”

5. Would you mind to let us know one tip for maintaining successful marriage?

Once you are married carry on dating. Each other that is. Make regular time to spend with your partner to talk, listen and most of all have fun together. Take turns to organize this time as it will enable you both to enjoy each others company and to communicate in a relaxed open fashion.

